At the Iowa caucus, Trump hopes to kill the suspense… Haley wants to push DeSantis…

9:35 p.m.: The first results expected after 7:00 p.m. (2:00 a.m. in Paris)

There will be no trend before, because it is a caucus: this means that the voters all meet at 7:00 p.m. (2:00 a.m. in Paris), then listen to a pitch from a representative of the candidates and vote immediately. We will very quickly have the first results from rural constituencies (where there can only be 10-20 voters), which should favor Donald Trump. For the big cities (Des Moines, Cedar Rapids), it will be a little later, and Nikki Halley could go up a little, because she is more popular in the suburbs with the moderate electorate (and independents who have the right to vote in Iowa).

>> The official results, it’s here on the Iowa GOP website

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