Asado in the Jachenau – Munich

The Jachenau is still a comparatively untouched area of ​​Upper Bavaria between Walchensee and the Isar, and in the southern regions of Argentina and Paraguay, an asado is a large barbecue festival that usually takes place at the weekend and is usually designed as an excessive feast. So it’s not that far off the mark what the young Munich chef thinks Malcolm Praun came up with: an Asado in Jachenau. For three weekends in July, starting on Friday, July 15, he is visiting friends at the once-famous Café Pfund. The restaurant used to be well-known for its cream puffs, and hikers liked to rest here. It closed a good 20 years ago, and now there is a guesthouse in the house. It is now open again for the barbecues.

The 23-year-old Praun – his mother is Argentinian – was born in Munich and did his cooking apprenticeship in the Ratskeller, after which he looked at the world. Among other things, he was with Massimo Bottura in his three-star restaurant in Modena, and he also looked around at his relatives in Buenos Aires and Chile, most recently he cooked at Ludwig 8. In the meantime, he has become self-employed with an idea his father, actually. He is a cameraman in the film and regularly organized asados ​​for the whole crew at the end of the shoot. The son is now raising it professionally with his own company Parasado.

And so there is now a menu on three weekends in July – or rather two. Because it consists of a meat and a vegetarian variant, everything from the charcoal grill, as it should be with an asado. The “Argentinian Jausenbrettl” consists of onglet tartare (from beef kidney cones) and Argentine chorizo ​​sausages, beetroot tartare, aubergine cream and olive butter with grilled bread. This is followed by handmade empanadas with different fillings or caramelized chicory with grilled apricots. The main courses include salmon trout with regional miso and entrecôte grilled whole, as well as onglet with chimichurri, Béarnaise sauce and salsa Lucia. The alternative is floral romaine hearts with miso and caramelized carrots with leek hearts, saffron buttermilk and nuts, followed by grilled watermelon. Prior registration is strongly recommended.

Asado at Café Pfund, Dorf 7/1/3, 83676 Jachenau, Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays, 15.-31. July, start: 1 p.m., 69 euros, children up to twelve years 30 euros, registration: [email protected],

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