Anke Engelke: This is how the actress lives without a smartphone

Anke Engelke reveals: This is how she lives without a smartphone

Actress Anke Engelke can get by without a smartphone

© Jörg Carstensen / DPA

A life without a smartphone, is that still possible in our day and age? Comedienne Anke Engelke has the impression of being mocked by these devices.

Actress Anke Engelke lives entirely without a smartphone. The actress explained how this works in an interview with “Vogue”.

“There was never a question for me: How do I save time now, how can I do it faster? Because I always thought it was great to sit on the train, go somewhere and plan my trip,” said the 54-year-old Magazine “Vogue” (March issue/will be published on March 1st).

“To this day I like to draw maps and plans and make notes of where I have to get off and change trains and how I can then get to my destination.” She sees this as pleasure. “I am reluctant to negotiate that with a machine. I would have the impression that I was being mocked by this device! As if I were not responsible for my life, as if I was overwhelmed.” That’s not a declaration of war, “I just know what’s better for me,” said Engelke. “For example, I’d rather read a lot.”

Anke Engelke: “Glossy magazines and advertising sell dreams”

In her own words, Engelke does a little sport for her fitness, but not doggedly. “I run but I don’t rush and I do yoga but I don’t have style. And I wish I was more interested in swimming because I think swimming is the best thing you can do for your body.”

Engelke does not like the business with ideals of beauty. “Glossy magazines and advertising sell dreams. Anyone who isn’t super naive knows that.” She thinks one aspect is okay: “If there are figures in public who have realized dreams, set goals and lived out creatively, then I think that’s great, then that should be represented.”

But it is counterproductive that, for example, advertising for sporting goods usually only shows people with perfect model bodies. “Will those people be addressed at all who urgently need to exercise in order to live a healthier life? I find it regrettable that there is such pressure, such a demand for perfection.”


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