Angelina Boerger: How I only found out in adulthood that I have ADHD

Angelina Boerger is 28 years old when she takes an online self-test to check her procrastination behavior. The result provides the first indications of ADHD. A topic that turned the life of the young woman upside down from then on. In the exclusive starseries she tells her story.

There is a relatively well-known story about where and when I first consciously heard about adult ADHD. It’s about me sitting in a canteen that’s been converted into a television studio at midnight with goosebumps. In the audience of the WDR program “Domian live”.

That was almost three years ago now. It was almost something like that one “magic moment” that has changed my life forever to this day. If I think about it carefully, however, I came across the topic of ADHD before. But as is so often the case, you only really notice some topics when you deal with them intensively.

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