Angela Merkel: Two fists for a hallelujah panorama

This week it struck again fully, the Merkel fist. She flew unerringly through the November air in Berlin, smashed the court ceremony and then remained undeterred in front of the approaching Margrethe II, who had come for a state visit. The Danish queen hesitated, withdrew her hand, which was outstretched in greeting, and placed it on her breast in a piqued manner. Classic knock-out in the first round.

But don’t worry, Margrethe will take it. And of course Angela Merkel too. Change, especially in the conservative field of etiquette, is a tough process in which progressive-revolutionary innovators like the Federal Chancellor feel the perseverance of tradition. It was also nice to watch recently at the dance that the hugging Ursula von der Leyen performed at Merkel’s departure from the European Parliament around the Chancellor’s merciless ghetto fist.

Unlike Becker-Faust, who is neither related nor related by marriage, the so-called Merkel-Faust is a sign of reason, you don’t want to get infected. Be careful only when translating the term, which is often used synonymously fist bump. An attempt to critically scrutinize international understanding is, for example, the Hamburger Morgenpost. The interested readers lured interested readers a few months ago with the clickbait cliffhanger “This is how ex-HSV trainer Daniel Thioune said goodbye to the team” to an online article, at the end of which was the shocking news that the fired trainer had gone to every HSV- Professional farewell “personally with one punch”.

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