And acupuncture in the ear to quit smoking, does it really work?

“No Tobacco Month” is almost over. If like me, and 92,000 French people registered on the site, you are trying to quit smoking in November, welcome to this third week without any cigarettes! After meeting a tobacco specialist and then a hypnotherapist, I decided to test acupuncture and specifically auriculotherapy with Doctor Miloradovich.

A point, first, about my nicotine substitutes. I completely stopped the patches, going from 21 mg stuck on my arms to zero. I hardly chew nicotine gum anymore, however, it’s impossible to give up the electronic cigarette (with 0.3 Mg of nicotine), a real crutch which helps me not to break down. Because on D + 18 from stopping smoking, morale is at its lowest and irritation is very present.

That’s good, acupuncture would act on the symptoms linked to smoking cessation by allowing, in particular, to soothe the person who stops smoking. All that I need. “Acupuncture helps balance energies throughout the body,” explains doctor Tatiana Miloradovich. “These actions can be analgesic, painkilling, anti-inflammatory and muscle relaxant. »

What is auriculotherapy?

Concerning auriculotherapy, it involves putting the needles in the ear which is considered as an ecosystem. “The ear looks like an upside down fetus” describes the general practitioner, “it has connections with the cortex on the different organs which are represented in the ear”. In acupuncture, there are several points specific to smoking cessation in the ear, on the face and on the body.

Please note that neither acupuncture nor auriculotherapy are reimbursed by Health Insurance and in France, only medical personnel are legally authorized to use needles.

To see the acupuncture session, watch the video at the top of this article. And if you too stop smoking, don’t hesitate to write to me in the comments to share your advice and tips.

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