An excess mortality of 10% in May, the highest in France

Since the start of the pandemic, INSEE has held a
monthly account, and morbid, the increased death that can be attributed to it by comparing the declarations made to civil status with an average for the years 2018-2019. For May 2021, while the third confinement (from April 3 to May 3) had not produced its full effect, human damage continued in Occitania.

Statisticians have identified 5,096 deaths in all, or 454 more than in 2018-2019. This excess mortality of 10% is “the highest of the metropolitan regions”, underlines INSEE. By way of comparison, it was 9% in Ile-de-France and 3% in Pays de Loire or Bourgogne Franche-Comté.

The Hautes-Pyrénées and Lozère spared

At the departmental level, the disparities are enormous. Tarn-et-Garonne records an excess mortality of 26%, Gard, Aude and Lot 17%, Haute-Garonne 9% while Hautes-Pyrénées and Lozère are experiencing low mortality for their part. respectively – 3% and -13%.

The number of deaths recorded in Occitanie in 2021, compared to 2020 and the 2018-19 average. – Insee Occitanie

But a decline in third-wave deaths appears on the curve at the end of May and should be confirmed when the data for June are used.

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