An “anti-rodeo” cell will be launched in a few days

An urban motorcycle rodeo. Drawing. – Hajj / Sipa

“The delinquents come directly under your windows to challenge you and yet no reaction from you. The rant of Pierre Oliver, mayor of the second arrondissement of Lyon against Grégory Doucet, has clearly borne fruit.

The elected official who denounces the proliferation of rodeos in the heart of the peninsula, did not fail to scratch once again the mayor of Lyon during the city council on Thursday, thus referring to the evening of the day before. On a video he posted on social networks, we see in particular a horde of motorcyclists performing skids and wheeling on the rue de la République near the town hall.

“There is no impunity for this kind of practice”, replies the mayor

Faced with criticism, the elected official in charge of security announced that the “anti-rodeo” cell, announced in September, would be launched “by June”. It will bring together the municipal police, the national police, the services of the judicial authority but also donors and associations so that they can bring their knowledge of the field. This will include acting upstream by seizing the motorcycles.

“The police and the judiciary are doing their job, relying in particular on video protection. There is no impunity for this kind of practice ”, for his part answered Grégory Doucet stressing the difficulties of apprehending the authors at the time. “There are generally no live interventions for security issues. In order not to generate accidents, we film, we investigate, we stop them, and when necessary we imprison them, ”he explained.

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