Additional dental insurance: Finanztest examines 234 tariffs – these are the test winners

Financial test
Visits to the dentist can quickly become expensive – these insurances protect against this

Visits to the dentist can quickly become very expensive. Finanztest shows which dental insurance is worthwhile.

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For many, a visit to the dentist is not only uncomfortable, but unfortunately it can also quickly become very expensive. Supplementary insurance protects against this. But what do you get for your money? Finanztest took a closer look at 234 tariffs.

Visiting the dentist can get really expensive. In 2017, Germans spent 6.4 billion euros on dental services. The reason for the enormous amount: patients have to pay for many treatments themselves. Statutory health insurance only pays a little for bridges, implants and crowns.

For individuals, dental bills can be terrifying, reports Finanztest. If the patient needs several implants at the same time, it costs about as much as a small car. The health insurance company only pays 50 to 65 percent of the prices for standard care. That sounds pretty good at first, but with expensive implants, the fund’s share only covers 12 percent of the costs. The rest is paid for by the patient.

Supplementary dental insurance seems to make sense for many, because complex dental treatments become more and more likely with increasing age. But which insurance is worthwhile? The offer is large and confusing. Finanztest took a closer look at 234 tariffs in 2019. The financial testers differentiated between three customer groups: those who want to take out such insurance for the first time, those who want to at least cover the costs of standard care and those patients who already have additional dental insurance – but would like to switch.

Supplementary dental insurance: These are the test winners

Finanztest rated 76 of the 234 tariffs as very good. The four test winners “Zahn Prestige” from Bavarian, “DFV-Zahnschutz Exklusiv 100” from Deutsche Familienversicherung, “EZL” from HanseMerkur and “Zahn 100” from Ottonova were able to convince. These insurances are priced between 40 and 42 euros per month for a 43-year-old insured. For older customers, the contributions increase to 56 to 60 euros. These health insurers score with standard care as well as with private care, inlays and implants. When it comes to cheap offers, the Huk24, Huk-Coburg and Pax-Familienfürsorge cash registers have the edge. In the case of particularly low tariffs, which cost barely 10 euros a month, it is at most sufficient for the overall rating “Satisfactory” – however, they can also perform well to very good in the standard care.

Under For a fee, you can get a detailed report with all tested tariffs, calculation examples for cash register payments and online advice on which tariff is the right one.


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