A great oral to win the Elysée, the ICC investigates in Ukraine and 20 candles for “20 Minutes”

Did you miss the news this early morning? We’ve put together a recap to help you see things more clearly.

At 26 days from the first round, voters had the right Monday evening to a true-false debate. In the show France in the face of war, eight of the twelve presidential candidates, including Emmanuel Macron, confronted their ideas but one after the other, for the first major election evening largely devoted to the war in Ukraine. Relations with Vladimir Poutine, place of Europe, energy, purchasing power, pensions: one by one, they shelled their proposals in a polished atmosphere, in this televised debate in an unprecedented format where the candidates never met or exchanged directly. Very low in the polls, Nathalie Arthaud, Philippe Poutou, Nicolas Dupont-Aignan and Jean Lassalle had however not been invited.

Justice is interested in the war waged by Moscow in Ukraine. On March 3, the prosecutor of the International Criminal Court thus announced the launch of an investigation into the crimes committed in Ukraine. The ICC has received the green light for this from 41 States Parties. Our journalist Hélène Sergent explains in detail how the officials will carry out their investigations into the possible crimes committed since “November 21, 2013”, i.e. from the start of the Maidan revolution.

It’s the day to wish us a happy birthday…well, rather to your favorite daily newspaper. 20 minutes celebrates its 20th anniversary today. On March 15, 2002, the first issue of your newspaper appeared. But he was not particularly well received by everyone and had to make his place. Benjamin Chapon looks back on those early years when many in the press and in the publishing world said they “hated 20 Minutes”. But since then, fortunately, things have changed a lot.

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