A deputy tracks down illegal or unworthy offers from Pôle emploi

“Give new impetus to your career”… with a four-hour CDD. This crèche auxiliary announcement, Hadrian Clouet, the LF-Nupes deputy from Toulouse, simply found it on the Pôle emploi site. She joined on her Twitter thread a one-month fixed-term contract for three hours of cleaning per week, “i.e. 150 euros per month”, or even the search for an “experienced counter salesperson”, but “paid below the Smic ! “. This string of nuggets, announcements from Toulouse which, “when they are not illegal, are simply unworthy and inadmissible”. Parliamentarians do not spend endless time flushing them out. “When we get started with my team, we get about twenty in the space of an hour,” he says.

Obviously, in full consideration of the reform of unemployment insurance by parliament, the approach of the rebellious deputy is political. “I want to show how hemiplegic government projects are,” he says. By only wanting to control the unemployed, we forget to control job offers and we pull everyone down. He also finds some practices extremely concerning. While we understand that a cleaning agent cannot clean the same site all the time, certain contracts, for 30 hours per week for example, are so dispersed, in time as well as in space, that they make you dizzy. “The goal for these very profitable companies is not to pay for travel to the workplace,” said the deputy of the 1st district of Haute-Garonne.

Artificial intelligence and human control

But the intention of Hadrien Clouet is not to overwhelm the agents of Pôle emploi. “Since 2006, their site has also aggregated ads from other operators. It is not humanly possible to control 12 million ads per year. They have neither the time nor the manpower,” he said.

Requested by 20 minutes, the regional management of Pôle emploi ensures that it carries out “a legality check on all the offers which are published on its site”. “This control is carried out initially by relying on artificial intelligence, which makes it possible to block the publication of offers from partner sites as soon as they include non-compliant mentions, she adds. With regard to offers submitted directly by companies […], this automated check is backed up by a check by a dedicated business adviser. »

Pôle emploi also specifies that if we take for example the week of September 4 to 11, “48% of partner offers” were “rejected, mainly for duplicates but also for non-compliance”. The public employment service recognizes, however, that “improvements can always be made” and indicates that it “works regularly”.

Finally, the organization ensures that a study carried out in 2021 “on 4,973 offers showed that 94.8% of them complied with the legal framework”. Still grain to grind for the deputy trackers of illegal advertisements: “5% of illegal offers out of 12 million, that’s about 600,000”, he calculates. However, according to Pôle emploi, there are between 255,000 and 390.00 unfilled vacancies per year. Some illegal contracts find takers…

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