A dedicated team ensures the authenticity of the game world • JPGAMES.DE

The last time we had Guerrilla Games Aloy’s skills were extensively presented. It was about new weapons, tools and mechanics. Then we learned Knowing Aloy’s opponents better: the machines. Today is about the world that you are with Horizon Forbidden West will get to know.

The Forbidden West is a vast and deadly environment. Ancient ruins, impressive machines and hidden threats await you. Every detail of the game world should tell a story in a visual way.

How to create a credible world with cultures and many possibilities, the makers explain in the new article in PlayStation Blog. The main focus is that everything that is placed in this world has a clear intention.

Each tribe and its inhabitants have a sophisticated background story, including the mysterious Tenakth, who are at home in the Forbidden West. At Guerrilla Games, a dedicated team has been created to ensure the authenticity of the game world: the Living World Team.

“When you walk through the Forbidden West, everything should feel like it belongs there,” explains Espen Sogn, Lead Living World Designer.

“The Living World team at Guerrilla is working on the aspects of the game that make the game world feel authentic and alive: the tribes, the settlements, and the people within. There is an intention behind everything we place in the world. “

After a postponement, Horizon Forbidden West will be released on February 18, 2022. The Regalla Edition for the game is sold out everywhere. The Collector’s Edition is currently available still at Media Markt*. The special edition also on Amazon*.

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Images: Horizon Forbidden West, Sony, Guerrilla Games

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