EU: Germany promotes ideas against fake news and propaganda

Germany is promoting ideas against fake news and propaganda

Germany and other EU member states want to increase their use of sanctions to combat fake news and propaganda. photo

© Marijan Murat/dpa/Symbolic image

The manipulation of public opinion by countries like Russia is increasingly seen as a threat in the EU. Now there are new proposals for better defense measures.

In the fight against election interference in the In the EU, Germany and several other member states want to rely more heavily on sanctions. Restrictive measures are an important tool against individuals and organizations that try to interfere in EU democracies, according to a proposal paper published on the sidelines of a ministerial council in Brussels.

In addition, the code of conduct to combat disinformation should be made into a binding set of rules. So far it has been a non-binding voluntary commitment from online platforms such as Facebook or Tiktok.

Other proposals include improving the ability to recognize fake news and propaganda and increasing the exchange of information between member states.

Attempts at influence also from China?

The background to the initiative is evidence that state actors from countries such as Russia are trying to influence public opinion in the EU with disinformation and propaganda. In particular, they use the possibilities for digitally distributing content via online platforms. In addition to Russia, China in particular is also accused of professional attempts to influence.

The proposals were drawn up by Germany, Poland and France, with the support of around a dozen other EU states. They are intended to serve as a working basis for the next EU Commission, which will be formed after the European elections in June.

The German Minister of State for European Affairs Anna Lührmann also described the initiative as a response to Russian President Vladimir Putin. “The EU must consistently sanction Russian attempts at destabilization,” said the Green politician. In addition, it is also important to make larger online platforms more responsible and to strengthen independent journalism in Europe.


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