Olaf Scholz: Broadcast dates for the ARD summer interviews

Olaf Scholz
Broadcast dates for the ARD summer interviews

Olaf Scholz will answer the questions in the ARD summer interview on June 23, 2024.

© 2022 Gints Ivuskans/Shutterstock.com

The dates for the ARD summer interviews have been set. Traditionally, Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz starts the event.

ARD uses the parliamentary summer break, which usually takes place in July and August, for its summer interviews in the “Report from Berlin”. After the European elections at the beginning of June and before the state elections in Saxony, Thuringia and Brandenburg in September, he will first become Chancellor Olaf Scholz (65, SPD) answered questions from ARD capital studio manager Markus Preiß (46).

According to the announcement, it will, among other things, be about the mood in the government after the results of the European elections and the following questions will be clarified: “What plans does he have for the last year of government? And how will Olaf Scholz position himself for the election campaign for the federal election next year year?”

Further dates

The “Report from Berlin” from the ARD capital studio is broadcast every Sunday at 6 p.m. The Scholz interview will be shown on June 23. The interview series will take place on the terrace of the Marie-Elisabeth-Lüders-Haus in Berlin’s government district. Preiß’s deputy Matthias Deiß (46) will also be involved.

The following party leaders have also been invited to the talks: July 7, Tino Chrupalla (49, AfD); July 14, Friedrich Merz (68, CDU); July 28th Christian Lindner (45, FDP); August 11th Lars Klingbeil (46, SPD); August 18th Omid Nouripour (48, Alliance90/The Greens). CSU boss Markus Söder (57) will conclude on August 25, 2024.


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