“20 Minutes” and UFC-Que Choisir answer your questions about smoked salmon and trout

Real estate, transport, food, clothing, travel, taxes… Being a consumer is a job in its own right and on a daily basis. But it’s not always easy to navigate the jungle of regulations or so-called bargains. Do not panic ! 20 minutes and its partner UFC-Que Choisir are there to help you, by answering your questions in the Brief Conso. This week, we’re getting into the New Year’s Eve atmosphere and we’re talking smoked salmon and trout. A dish that the French love and on which
UFC Que-Choose has investigated to help you make your choice.

To better find yourself in the ocean of brands and labels of these two smoked fish and to impress the guests with your knowledge, here is a video of the advice of Elsa Abdoun, journalist for Que Choisir.

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