Youtuber Kristen Hanby has been criticized for turning his girlfriend blue

With fabric paint
Youtuber Kristen Hanby dyes his girlfriend’s skin blue: fans are outraged

“He embarrasses her for likes on social media”: Youtuber fans are angry

© Screenshot Youtube/Kristen Hanby

British Youtuber Kristen Hanby is known for making fun of his family. His often mean pranks don’t even stop at his grandmother. His fans love him for his videos. But now the 27-year-old went too far.

Outside of the YouTube cosmos, series like “Jackass” and “Oops! – The Pannenshow” have long been popular with the public. And pranks and Youtube also belong together like bad luck and brimstone. A prank video can have several thousand views. But how far are the pranksters (as the pranksters are called in English) allowed to go for views and likes? Apparently, an invisible border must not be crossed, as the current case of Youtuber Kristen Hanby shows. Hanby, who lives in Jersey, UK, uploaded a new video to his YouTube channel of the same name a few days ago. He is known for never being safe from his family and especially his girlfriend Jasmine. He has more than 2.5 million followers on YouTube. He also has a sizeable following on Instagram and TikTok – there are even some copycat accounts.

It remains to be seen whether he will lose some of his fans after his last action. Some of them are very angry with their idol. Because: Hanby dyed his girlfriend’s skin blue – without her agreeing. As can be seen in the video, Hanby prepares a bubble bath. He adds a special powder to the bath salt: blue textile dye. Since publication, he has faced angry posts from his fans. They think he went too far with his joke.

Textile dye can cause extreme skin irritation

“I know it’s a joke and yet he humiliates his girlfriend for likes and reactions,” wrote a follower on Twitter after the video was shared there. In addition to the deliberate humiliation, many complain that fabric dye is extremely dangerous and a health hazard. “Her pH will be abnormal, a yeast infection is already underway, the skin will be irritated and itchy, the dye will take ages to come off her skin and it’s embarrassing for her. It’s gross of him and not funny,” writes another Twitter user.

The video can no longer be found on TikTok, although it was previously posted on Hanby’s account. For all the pranksters out there, the moral of the story is: don’t overdo it!

Sources: youtube, Twitter

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