You should avoid these foods in the evening

There are many good reasons that speak for a healthy diet: We are supplied with all the necessary nutrients and vitamins, prevent weight gain and can reduce the risk of diseases. So it makes sense to eat healthily throughout your life, especially as you get older. In addition, muscle mass and bone density decrease with advancing age. As a result, the risk of osteoporosis increases. The hormone balance also changes during menopause, which can promote weight gain – especially on the stomach. To prevent this, you should eliminate unhealthy foods from your diet and reconsider your previous eating habits. In the following we tell you which foods you should avoid in the evening:

Diet after 50: Avoid these 3 foods in the evening

“Empty” carbohydrates

Opinions differ on the subject of carbohydrates. Nutrition experts say that carbohydrates in the evening inhibit fat loss and prevent weight loss. On the other hand, the calorie balance over the entire day is crucial to whether we lose weight or not. What is now correct?

If we eat short-chain, “empty” carbohydrates, our blood sugar level rises. As a result, the body’s own hormone insulin is released. This ensures that glucose gets from the blood into the cells. However, glucose also promotes the formation of fat and prevents its breakdown. You can find these short-chain carbohydrates in pasta, rice or potatoes, for example. If you eat carbohydrates, then you should rely on long-chain carbs. These carbohydrates have a low glycemic index. This means that blood sugar levels and insulin production do not rise and fall as quickly. The result: you stay full longer. Long-chain carbohydrates can be found, for example, in whole grain products, legumes or pseudo-cereals such as quinoa and amaranth.

Tip: Eat protein-rich foods in the evening. Protein-rich food also fills you up and boosts fat burning overnight.


From time to time there is nothing wrong with a glass of wine in the evening – but you should not consume alcohol regularly and excessively. Alcohol is a cytotoxin and affects the entire body. The liver can be damaged, cardiovascular diseases such as high blood pressure can occur and the gastrointestinal tract can be attacked. Alcohol consumption can also affect the quality of your sleep and promote sleep disorders.


Yes, you read it right. Basically, fresh fruit is an integral part of a healthy and balanced diet. However, it depends on what fruit you eat and at what time of the day. For example, if you eat sugary varieties such as grapes, bananas or figs, you will consume a lot of fructose. Since the body cannot convert this amount into energy later in the day, it stores the excess carbohydrates in fat. In addition, having too much energy can interfere with falling asleep. And: Late fruit cannot be digested properly, which can cause a bloated stomach.

Good to know: If you have an appetite for fruit in the evening, you can treat yourself to a small amount and ideally use low-sugar varieties. Blueberries, raspberries, papaya and apricots are recommended. Consume the fruit at least two hours before bedtime.

You can find more on this topic here: 3 reasons why you should not eat fruit in the evening!

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