You can look forward to these improvements in the OneUI 6.1 update

OneUI users can not only look forward to major new functions, there are also many improvements.

Samsung is currently working on OneUI 6.1, the new software will be launched in January 2024. First on the Galaxy S24 smartphones, but of course shortly afterwards for many other devices from the last few years. Samsung not only brings new functions, but also a lot of improvements, which well-known insiders and critics are happy about.

Ice Universe promises some improvements that will ensure smoother execution, reduce battery consumption and also increase stability. You can only accept your colleague in this regard when he is happy about improvements, because he usually criticizes Samsung very harshly and constantly for their software.

  1. The frame rate of the animations has been improved again compared to One UI 6.0, meaning that the animations look smoother and more refined.
  2. The background blur effect has been removed. I think Samsung has taken into account that it increases power consumption.
  3. The background scaling animation has been greatly improved, it becomes non-linear and the background image scales greatly, which is larger than iOS scaling, making the animation look very vivid.
  4. When the icon is scaled back to its original position, there is a more noticeable elastic animation.
  5. Continuously open and close the app without any glitches. It is very stable and smooth.

He also has a conclusion for the new fine animations. “Describe the One UI 6.1 animation in one word: Reborn”.

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