Yes, the QR code is mandatory for scheduled hospital care

“Shame on Cochin and Georges Pompidou hospitals for refusing elderly people followed for serious illnesses because they do not have a health pass. “For several days, many Internet users have been indignant at the measures taken by the government to limit the spread of Covid-19. The author of one of the most shared tweets is particularly concerned about the situation of patients followed for serious illnesses, taking the example of “prostate cancer”.

Internet users are scandalized following the ban on access to the hospital for patients without a health pass. – Facebook screenshot

Under the initial tweet, some assure that “it is illegal”, while others question the relevance of health measures. “No need for a pass for shopping centers… But a pass for hospitals. “And if, in the initial publication, it is the AP-HP establishments that are targeted, people testify in comments to similar situations in Bordeaux, Amiens, Lille.

And for good reason: this is what the law provides. 20 minutes make the point.


It’s here Law of 5 August 2021 which extended the health pass to health establishments. Dsince Monday August 9, the date of entry into force of the law, the health pass “must be presented upon admission by people received for scheduled care, as well as by people accompanying or visiting them”,
specifies the Ministry of Health.

As we explained to you a few weeks ago, this rule does not apply to emergency situations, childbirth and certain specific situations, such as accompanying a loved one at the end of life or access to centers. screening. In the event of emergencies, the presence of an accompanying person may be authorized if it is necessary for the care of the patient. In the case of a birth, the other parent can be present without having to draw their QR code.

“For those over 12, the health pass will be required from September 30, 2021,” says AP-HP. The QR code and other supporting documents can be requested “at the entrance to the hospital or at any time”, specifies the AP-HP on
his site.

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