the manipulation of red hands and those who fall for it… – Libération

Thomas Legrand’s post

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The images of the desecration of the Wall of the Righteous were complacently relayed by the news channels without any question about their origin. The precedent of the “Blue Stars of David” operation orchestrated by the Russians should have encouraged caution.

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The trap is terrible and biblically simple. It consists of heating up French society by activating its “hysterizing” agents which are certain news channels, certain talk shows, social networks in general and X (ex-Twitter) in particular. A society of freedom of expression like ours is considered, by the Russians, who are behind many manipulations, as particularly vulnerable…

The weakness, the flaw of our model, is precisely, from their point of view, the fluidity of information that freedom allows. The Kremlin strategists are not wrong. It was enough for them to sponsor a crude operation at the end of October to paint blue Stars of David on the Parisian walls, then, on the night of May 13 to 14, to have stencils made in the shape of red hands on the wall of the Righteous. of the Shoah memorial in Paris so that each

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