Yazidi family wanted to kill daughter – prison sentences remain – Bavaria

A father and his son threatened their daughter with death because she was a Yazidi and had a Muslim boyfriend. After the appeal process, they will remain in custody. The teenager now lives in a secret place.

The 17-year-old is not sitting in the courtroom and she no longer has to make a statement in the appeal hearing. The co-plaintiff emphasizes that just the thought of it had put a massive strain on her. The young woman now lives in another federal state in a secret location. She already misses her little siblings, but she will still no longer have contact with her family, especially not with her father and her brother, who choked her and tore out her hair, who kicked her as she sat huddled in the corner while the Family at the kitchen table discussed how best to kill the then 16-year-old. She even had to write a farewell letter that was supposed to indicate suicide. And all because, as a Yazidi, she started a relationship with a Muslim school friend.

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