With Gabriel Attal at Matignon, Emmanuel Macron plays his best card

It was necessary to see in the unusual discretion of the last few days an indication of his entry on the track for Matignon. Gabriel Attal therefore replaces Elisabeth Borne as Prime Minister. The former government spokesperson, who spent only a few months at National Education, continued his meteoric rise and became – at 34 – the youngest head of government of the Fifth Republic.

Emmanuel Macron indicated on audacity.” With this pure Macronist, very popular and politically savvy, he plays his best card to relaunch his five-year term.

Because it is very popular

Weakened by the painful pension reform and the controversial text on immigration, Elisabeth Borne was no longer really popular with the French, according to several surveys. To replace her, the President of the Republic therefore chooses popularity. Gabriel Attal has continued his rise in opinion polls in recent months on rue de Grenelle. “He was able to raise issues such as school bullying and take acts of authority, with the ban on the abaya, supported by a majority of French people,” indicates Frédéric Dabi, general director Opinion of Ifop.

In September, he overtook Edouard Philippe as the best successor to Emmanuel Macron (Ifop) in 2027. In December, he surpassed the mayor of Le Havre for the first time as favorite political figure of the French.

Because it is very political

Elisabeth Borne has often been criticized for her “techno” side, not always comfortable hitting back at political adversaries. On this side, Gabriel Attal showed himself to be very skillful, both on television sets, where he often faced Jordan Bardella, the feared president of the National Rally, and in the Hemicycle. He notably scored points against the elected officials of La France insoumise in the explosive context of pension reform. “I like debates and there, I was served,” he said to 20 minutes.

Gabriel Attal likes formulas that click and can wake up a presidential camp that is sometimes asleep. This “puncher” side has often been praised by the Macronists… but also by the opposition. “He is strong, he knows how to respond and type,” recognized rebellious elected official Hadrien Clouet. This possibility of returning blows will not be too much in the bustling National Assembly, where the presidential camp still suffers from the absence of an absolute majority. A brawling profile also useful for the European elections next June, while the RN list led by Jordan Bardella is leading the race in the polls.

Because he is very Macronist

While the ambitions of the contenders for succession risk polluting the end of the five-year term, the head of state opts with Gabriel Attal for loyalty. Coming from the Socialist Party, the young activist got involved in candidate Macron’s campaign in 2016. And has remained, since then, an unwavering support of the President of the Republic.

A loyalty which allowed the good student of the macronie to climb the government ladder to Matignon. “He appears to be one of the closest to the Macronian heritage, but he also knew how to become independent,” adds Frédéric Dabi. Gabriel Attal will have the opportunity to show it in the coming months in the “hell of Matignon” which burned many wings.

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