William Shatner vs. Prince William: Captain Kirk lets criticism bounce off

William Shatner
Captain Kirk lets criticism from Prince William ricochet off

William Shatner (left) and Prince William have different views on space flights.

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After Prince Williams’ criticism of space flights, William Shatner now speaks out. The royal had “a wrong idea”.

William Shatner responds to Prince William’s criticism of space flights. In an interview with “Entertainment Tonight” the Captain Kirk actor defends his journey into space and at the same time contradicts Prince William. “He’s a lovable Englishman. He’ll be King of England one day,” Shatner says, adding: “He’s a gentle, educated man, but he has the wrong idea.”

Jeff Bezos and Co. are not about to brag about their space excursions: “I hope the prince gets my message: It is a small step to better use space for our purposes.” Among other things, one wants to generate energy in space in the future and send it back to earth.

This is how Prince William thinks about space flights

The “Starship Enterprise star took off on Wednesday with the Blue Origin company founded by Amazon founder Bezos and flew into orbit for the first time in the New Shepard NS-18 spacecraft. In a recent BBC interview When asked about these flights, William said that he considered the basic idea to be a mistake. You need the brightest minds here on the planet to solve the climate crisis.

The royal thinks it is important to concentrate on the earth instead of giving it up and venturing into space. He himself had “no interest at all” in going into space and there was a “fundamental question” as to how environmentally harmful rocket launches are.


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