Wilheim: How can schools become virus-safe? – Bavaria

Christian Schwarzbauer has been touring around Bavarian schools in his free time for months. The professor of medical technology wants to find out what really helps to protect against infection in the classroom. Traveling with someone who approaches things with pragmatism.


Viktoria Spinrad, Weilheim

Where to put the measuring device? Christian Schwarzbauer is taken aback. He looks around the music room. records, beatles-Posters, student photos from better times. Maybe on the wall, just above the dino drawing? Schwarzbauer pushes, but the white box with the built-in CO₂ sensor doesn’t seem to stick to the woodchip wallpaper. Then next to it, directly on the column-like room fan. Schwarzbauer presses, holds the meter. There it is now emblazoned, a declaration of war on ignorance, irrationality, lobbying. From now on it will measure the air quality of the room every minute. “Phew,” says Schwarzbauer, crossing out another number on his long list.

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