Why putting street harassers on the sex offender registry is unconvincing

Seeking to convince French women to vote for her, Marine Le Pen sent them a letterpublished in Le Figaro March 8, International Women’s Day. The Rassemblement national presidential candidate denounced street harassment “which makes women the game of a perverse game”.

It proposes, “in addition to heavy penalties”, to register street stalkers in the sex offenders file and to expel foreigners “who engage in its outrageous practices”. “I will lower the heads of those who think they can ignore that in France we respect women,” she writes.

She also points to the fact that, in daily life, women integrate “avoidance strategies such as changing sidewalks, avoiding certain places such as cafes, returning by taxi rather than by transport after a certain hour, to refrain from wearing a skirt in certain districts”.


This proposal, included in the RN program, revolts Stop street harassment. The association, created in 2014, intervenes in particular with young people or companies to raise awareness of sexism and considers more generally, on its site, that “repression will never be enough on its own to reduce street harassment”. She denounces, in an email response, an “attempt to use the feminist cause to support racist positions”.

Based on testimonies received and the experience of activists, it indicates that “the ‘street harasser’ is plural; there is no appearance, no religious affiliation, no real or supposed ethnic affiliation, which only one other stands out. To say otherwise is false and often results from confirmation bias.”

Also rejecting the idea that the phenomenon would take place more in “certain neighborhoods”, Stop street harassment emphasizes that it occurs “in all the neighborhoods of the cities investigated, with a – statistically logical – prevalence in the most frequented. There is no “sensitive neighborhood”. To affirm this, the association relies on the data of its events, where it offers people to pin on a map the public places where they suffered harassment or aggression for the last time.

“Not a catch-all file”

On the side of the police, the union Unsa Police regrets a proposal which would complicate the use of the automated judicial file of perpetrators of sexual or violent offenses (Fijais). “We must not make it a catch-all file, we will complicate the task of the investigators”, explains Thierry Clerc, deputy secretary general of Unsa Police.

The Fijais is used to identify people convicted or accused of certain sexual or violent offenses (rape, sexual assault, child crime). Its objective is to prevent their repetition and to facilitate the identification and localization of the authors of the latter.

A fine of 90 euros

It is used in particular in the context of investigations to search for people concerning cases of rape or sexual assault. “If we start putting street harassers there, there will inevitably be more people. What will then be the point of using the file in the context of investigations? asks Thierry Clerc.

As a reminder, street harassment can be sanctioned as a sexist insult since the summer of 2018. It is punishable by a fine of 90 euros, and up to 1,500 euros in the event of aggravating circumstances. Emmanuel Macron announced in January that he wanted, in a new law which could only be passed after 2022, to triple this fine to 300 euros, an act which would then be qualified as an offence.

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