A psychiatrist soon to be indicted for serial rapes in hospital

The trial was postponed due to the absence of a lawyer. But within a few months, a psychiatrist will appear in court for rape and sexual assault committed on his patients at Sainte-Marguerite hospital in Marseille, as revealed Provence.

The regional daily describes the chilling journey of this doctor specializing in bipolar disorder, now aged 52, whose “long stay in office raises questions”. In fact, the first reports date back to 2013. A patient then filed a complaint for sexual assault. “When she removes it – before committing suicide – the doctor, suspended for a while, is reinstated,” writes the daily.

His lawyer, contacted by our colleagues, disputes all of the facts alleged against his client, who “denies any intimate relationship with the people who accuse him”. The investigation, for its part, details a “similar operating mode”. Provence recounts several stories of these patients who filed a complaint, including Marie, 19 years old at the time of the events in 2019. “It was so astonishing to be attacked by the doctor who was supposed to treat her,” confides her lawyer, Me Carla Sammarto .

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