Why hormones make cells grow

breast canceralso called breast cancer, is one malignant change in cells inside the chest. This is mostly from the milk ducts from, sometimes also from the glandular tissue of the breast. Every eighth wife suffer from it during their lifetime. Often the tumor growth is caused by the female sex hormones strengthened. You can find out what that means and what forms of therapy there are here.

Risk factors and causes of breast cancer

The concrete Caused for breast cancer – as with many other types of cancer – not known. But there are some known ones factorsthat increase the risk of developing breast cancer. These include, among others overweight, lack of exercise, type 2 diabetes, high fat Nourishment, alcohol and smoking, dense breast tissue, hormone replacement therapies as well as one genetic predisposition with an increased family history of breast or ovarian cancer.

hormones can affect the risk of disease. The following applies: the shorter the lifetime with menstrual bleeding, the lower the risk of developing breast cancer. childlessness or a high age at first birth are also considered risk factors. The risk decreases with the number of pregnancies and the duration of lactation.

breast cancer is the most common cancer in women. The Center for Cancer Registry Data last counted almost 71,000 cases (2019). Approximately one in eight women will develop breast cancer in their lifetime, with three out of ten women at the time of diagnosis under 55 years is. A tumor is considered old hormone dependentif at least one of 100 tumor cells binding sites for estrogen or progesterone having.

How can hormone dependent breast cancer be treated?

In addition to surgery, chemotherapy and radiation, antihormone therapy an important form of treatment. These are drugs that Block the formation or action of sex hormones. estrogen for example works in the body anabolic and thus promotes cell growth. In many cases, breast cancer growth is hormone-dependent, so the malignant breast cancer cells benefit from the anabolic properties of estrogen. Antihormone therapy aims to reduce the growth-promoting properties of estrogen To block and prevent. For the therapy, the active substance is administered daily via a tablet recorded or by a monthly injection.

The German Cancer Research Center (dkfz) describes two treatment options: On the one hand, the estrogen receptors can be blocked or reduced with the help of medication. As a result, the hormones that the body produces are still there, but theirs are hormonal properties are inhibited or blocked within the tissue. The other possibility is that stop the production of sex hormones. These forms of therapy are intended for tumors that grow in a hormone-dependent manner. Whether this is true will be determined by an early tissue examination diagnosed.

The accompanying anti-hormone therapy is intended to risk of relapse minimize. The production of sex hormones differs in pre- and post-menopause, in, before and after menopause. The recommendations for anti-hormone therapy depend on whether the menopause has already started or not. Added to this is the individual risk of a relapse and the compatibility of the preparations. In metastatic breast cancer, when the breast cancer has already spread to surrounding tissues, antihormonal therapy should be used prevent the growth of cancerous tissue for as long as possible. Tolerability plays a crucial role here, because the side effects should not outweigh the benefits, it’s about the to support the quality of life of those affected in the best possible way.

How does anti-hormone therapy work?

The drugs used in anti-hormone therapy are used at different points in the metabolism so they also differ in their side effects. In general, however, it can be said that anti-hormone therapy compared to chemotherapy less severe side effects entails. However, since this form of therapy several years is carried out, even comparatively weak side effects can have a negative impact on the quality of life of those affected. Most side effects are caused by the Withdrawal of hormonal action. They are therefore comparable to the side effects that are known for the menopause. Almost all hormone therapies suppress ovulation, but it is not certain whether the menstrual cycle will return to normal after anti-hormone therapy. The likelihood decreases in women over the age of 30.

The side effects of therapy can healthy eating, sport and exercise be mitigated. In some cases, concomitant medication can also be used to reduce the side effects. It is important that no drugs or herbal remedies are used that reduce the effectiveness of the therapy. This should always be discussed with the treating medical specialist. Around osteoporosis preventive measures during antihormone therapy, in addition to sport and physical activity, you should aim for a sufficient Calcium and vitamin D supply be respected.

The anti-hormone therapy does not replace contraception. People who do not want to become pregnant should therefore continue to pay attention to contraception before menopause. Hormonal contraceptive methods such as the birth control pill or a hormone spiral are not suitable during therapy. One copper spiral however, would be possible.

What preventive care options are there?

The earlier malignant breast cancer is detected, the better it is in most cases chances of recovery and survival. Breast cancer is common discovered by those affected themselvesfeeling a lump in the breast. By asking the medical historyone physical examinationone mammographyin which the chest is X-rayed, an MRI and a biopsy, an abnormal palpation finding is followed up.

Does he sway? estrogen levels strong or if it has been increased for many years, the risk of developing hormone-dependent breast cancer is increased. The danger does not decrease even during the menopause. Because even if the ovaries only produce small amounts of the sex hormone in this phase of life, they remain Breast cells sensitive to hormonal influences of adipose tissue and adrenal hormones. Furthermore, as part of a hormone replacement therapy Hormones enter the body that may promote tumor growth.

Regular check-ups are the best way to protect yourself from a severe course of the disease. Statutory health insurance companies cover the costs of an annual check-up. From 30 to 49 and from 70 years of age, this is a physical examination. The gynecological specialists feel the breast and lymph nodes in the armpit for possible hardening and knots. Between the ages of 50 and 69, the insurance company also covers the cost of one annual mammography.


Breast cancer is the most common form of cancer in women. On average, one in eight women will develop breast cancer in their lifetime. If the cancer is discovered early, there is a great chance of recovery and survival, so the annual check-up from the age of 30 is extremely important. Many tumors grow dependent on the female sex hormones, which is why accompanying anti-hormone therapy can reduce the success of the treatment and the risk of the disease breaking out again.

Are you interested in hormones, their effects on our body and possible related diseases? Then you can find more information in the following articles:

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