Why Giulia Mensitieri’s book on the fashion industry is a godsend – culture

800 euros for the seamstress who sews a 30,000 euros dress, models who only take a little cosmetics home with them after the big show. The main reason behind the glamor of the fashion industry is: exploitation for a big dream.


Tanja rest

Once the fuel that powers the fantastic machine called fashion has been decoded, countless previously unlocated memories fall into place at one stroke. There is no place in the sun, to put it mildly. Whether the people in the inner circle of the industry want to move their skinny fashion asses there: very, very unlikely. Interestingly, however, the disenchantment is as liberating as it is tormenting even for the tiny cog that a fashion journalist depicts on the outside fittings of this lubricated illusion apparatus.


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