seniors hit hard by Gabriel Attal’s reform – Libération


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The age from which one can benefit from longer compensation will increase from 53 to 57 years, and its duration will be capped at 22.5 months, compared to 27 months currently. In return, the Prime Minister announces a financial “bonus” supposed to compensate for the return to a lower-paid job.

Poor “seniors”. In April, employers and unions were supposed to agree on measures that would make it possible to keep them in employment as they approach retirement, while companies are often quick to push them out, more or less politely, on the grounds of their supposed lack of productivity. But the “life at work pact” collapsed, with employee organizations believing that the employer proposals put on the table were outrageously timid, not to mention regressive. Result: the situation of employees aged 50 to 64 has not fundamentally changed since the 2023 pension reform, although everyone agreed that it should be accompanied by measures to improve their retirement rate. job. Which has been progressing regularly for more than a decade, under the effect of the reforms of 2010 (raising the legal age from 60 to 62 years) and 2014 (extending the contribution period), but was still showing , in 2023, at a shy 66.9%.

So, what to do? The first r

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