Why Bavaria is taking harder action against the downplaying of the Holocaust – Dachau

The number of anti-Semitic outbursts in the Free State has almost doubled, but many cases remain without criminal consequences. Now the judiciary is taking a closer look, as the example of the Brucker AfD chairman shows.


Thomas Radlmaier

On the fourth day of Advent last year, a mask went up in flames in front of the former Dachau concentration camp. This is reported by a Telegram user. Previously he wrote in the news service: “Back then they said… work makes you free…. today they say wearing masks makes you free, vaccination makes you free.” At the beginning of December, strangers daubed several power distributors, telephone booths and rubbish bins in Berlin with the slogan: “Then the Jews, today the unvaccinated.” Two days later, on December 6, the Fürstenfeldbruck district chairman of the AfD, Florian Jäger, published a video on Facebook in which he wanted to express his displeasure with the measures taken to contain the pandemic. His comment on the video: “In the autumn of 1938, during the night of the pogrom, a so-called popular anger against Jews in the German Reich erupted. Jewish shops were looted, synagogues set on fire and countless Jews were mistreated and murdered. (…) The current situation is based on the well-known pattern looking for a scapegoat for the catastrophic political failure of those in government, and Söder has found him. It is the ‘unvaccinated’.”

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