Why a Eurowings passenger bought the entire peanut supply on the plane – economy

“I’ll buy them all!” Until now, this sentence was only known from choleric bigots who saw their ego offended and therefore reacted with all the power of their money. Now, however, this sentence hit some flight attendants of the airline Eurowings on a short haul from Düsseldorf to London. And not out of hurt pride or posturing of power – but out of fear of an allergic reaction.

In this case, the swanky sentence was spoken by a young woman named Leah Williams, 27. According to several media reports, she boarded the plane in July for a business trip. Immediately after boarding, she is said to have asked the cabin crew to make an announcement to the other passengers about their peanut allergy. Apparently she was afraid of even coming into contact with the stuff or, in the worst case, inhaling peanut dust. Because of this, she had already suffered an anaphylactic shock on an earlier flight. Apparently, the flight crew had done her the favor on the outward flight.

But now a flight attendant declined Williams’ request, saying it was against airline policy. “He didn’t even look me in the eye. I think he was annoyed that I was holding up the queue,” the woman told the magazine insider. So Leah Williams thought for a moment and said the famous sentence: “I’ll buy them all.” She bought all the peanut packs that could be found on board, a total of 48 pieces. Dem Mirror She dictated on the pad, “I said, ‘I’ll buy them all so you can’t serve them. I don’t care how much it is. If you guys aren’t willing to help me, that’s the only thing I do can.”

She paid 168 euros for the snacks

The whole snacks cost them 168 euros, according to Mirror triple your plane ticket. The woman didn’t want to take her snack packs with her to the seat – somehow logically. Cabin crew reportedly packed the peanuts securely (and hopefully airtight) in a plastic bag and stowed them in the front of the cabin. It is not yet known whether passengers from London smuggled other peanuts on board and ate them there.

Anyway, Leah Williams didn’t think it was funny. She is said to have written several emails to the airline and even called them to get the money back for the peanuts – especially since they are not peanuts. Her goal is, she said Insider, that the airline no longer sells peanuts on its flights.

But are their complaints justified? A scientific investigation the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology in any case, comes to the conclusion that peanut dust is not transmitted via the air and that inhaling peanut butter vapors does not cause a reaction either. Touching could cause at most a slight local irritation. Of course, you should still be careful. A spokesman for Eurowings has publicly regretted the process.

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