Who wants to win fifteen two-meter-high eggs?

Are you looking for an unusual decorative object? HAS 20 minutes, we have unearthed the most original idea of ​​the year. The nugget is found on Interencheres.com, one of the reference sites for auctions in France. Fifteen ski cabins are for sale (separately). 1.50 m wide, 2.10 m high, 2.20 m long, they were used from 1975 to 2022 in the Font-Romeu resort Pyrenees 2000before being replaced by more modern cabins.

“Eggs like these, we’ll soon find more.” They are typical of skiing 40 or 50 years ago,” says the resort director; Jacques Alvarez. If each of them is priced at 500 euros, he hopes to get up to eight times more. “Every day people ask us what will become of these cabins.”

Auction begins January 27

In forty-eight years of service, they have transported seven million skiers. More spacious and faster, it is now L’Airelles Express which connects, in five minutes, the five kilometers between the village and the ski area (compared to ten previously). With a transport capacity increased from six to ten people.

The auction is scheduled for January 27. The closing date for orders is January 25 at 4 p.m. The proceeds from the sale will be donated to the association “L’Œuvre des Pupilles des Sapeurs-Pompiers”.

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