Which types of tea can heal the liver

  1. 24vita
  2. Live healthy

Unhealthy diet is usually the cause of fatty liver disease. A third of all Germans are said to be affected. Coffee has a healing effect – and so does tea, if you choose the right type.

Wrong diet, little exercise, overweight, too much alcohol and diabetes: fatty liver disease usually occurs as a result of this fatal combination. But depending on your metabolism, even one of these factors can be enough to cause the liver to become seriously ill. That’s why fatty liver disease is widespread: around a third of adults have an enlarged liver due to fatty deposits, according to the German Liver Foundation – and the trend is rising. Even children are already affected. One in three overweight children is said to suffer from fatty liver disease. If left untreated, this can lead to liver inflammation and subsequent organ failure.

The good news: fatty liver disease can be managed with a healthy lifestyle. Eating a healthy diet, getting enough exercise, abstaining from alcohol and maintaining a normal weight: these rules have a beneficial effect on the liver. And certain foods also promote the health of the vital organ. This includes coffee. Coffee without sugar has been shown to be an efficient protective factor for the liver in a large meta-analysis, says Professor Dr. Christian Trautwein, director of the Medical Clinic III at RWTH Aachen, quoted by the Pharmazeutische Zeitung (PZ).

Tea made from dandelion and yarrow against fatty liver

Three to five cups of coffee a day are good for the liver, the PZ recommends. It goes on to say that decaffeinated coffee is also effective, but not green tea. But there are a number of teas that support liver regeneration.

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To keep the liver healthy, you need to drink enough water. According to the NDR TV format “The Nutrition Docs”, calorie-free drinks such as water and teas are particularly suitable. Dandelion and yarrow tea should be preferred, according to the recommendation of the medical experts on the NDR show.

Want to take a tea break more often? There are some healthy ingredients in the hot drink that support this. © Imago

With tea against fatty liver: which types have an effect

In the past, researchers have been able to demonstrate liver-protective effects on a number of medicinal plants, many of which are also due to the bitter substances they contain. The following types of tea have a detoxifying effect on the liver, as can be seen from a publication in the specialist journal Empirical Medicine:

  • artichoke
  • Milk thistle
  • dandelion
  • yarrow
  • gentian
  • Wormwood
  • turmeric

However, there are also tea preparations that may have liver-damaging properties, warns the German Liver Aid. These include teas that contain pyrolizidine alkaloids. However, these are rare and sometimes controversial cases, according to the association.

This article only contains general information on the respective health topic and is therefore not intended for self-diagnosis, treatment or medication. It in no way replaces a visit to the doctor. Unfortunately, our editors are not allowed to answer individual questions about medical conditions.

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