what to do if you change your address

The energy check is financial aid sent every year since 2018 to millions of French people. In principle, it does not require any action on the part of the beneficiaries, but in certain cases, such as when moving, the beneficiary must quickly notify their new address to the General Directorate of Public Finances (DGFiP).

The energy check will benefit 5.6 million households this year. To avoid missing out on this financial boost, people who have recently moved must report their new address to the DGFiP. In the best case, this step should be done before sending the check. The procedure to follow is not complicated. Simply contact the DGFiP on 0 809 401 401 (non-premium rate call) orsend a letter including the new address, the old one, the telephone number, the tax number, the first and last names as well as the date and place of birth.

The beneficiary can also consider reporting their new address via the “Private Space” on the impots.gouv.fr website, “My profile” section or via secure messaging. The specialized site Aide-sociale.fr also points out that La Poste offers a tracking service to ensure the rerouting of mail from the old address to the new address. However, this service is chargeable.

As a reminder, the first payment campaign began on April 2 and will extend to the 5th. It concerns the department of Indre, the DOM regions, Dordogne, Creuse and Lot-et-Garonne of Nouvelle- Aquitaine, the North, Pas-de-Calais and Aisne and Orne, Seine-Saint-Denis, Vaucluse, Aude, Gard, Tarn-et-Garonne, Ariège, the Pyrenees -Orientales and Aude. The complete payment schedule is available on our website.

The French who will have to claim the energy check this year

Let us remember, moreover, that due to an administrative dysfunction, a million French people whose eligibility cannot be determined risk not receiving their energy check. To avoid harming anyone, the Minister of the Economy announced that an online complaints desk will be set up in mid-May. The positive point of this bug, due to the elimination of the housing tax, is that even the French who lost their eligibility in 2024, or around a million households, will still receive this aid. And no refund will be requested.

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