What should you expect on Monday?

The standoff between farmers and the government is turning into a pitched battle, despite the announcements made by Gabriel Attal on Friday. On both sides, we took out the military register to discuss the actions of the days to come. Blockade of Paris, motorways still occupied, mobilization of law enforcement… We take stock of what awaits France for this “week of all dangers”, in the words of the FNSEA.

Seven blocking points in Paris for Young Farmers

They are the first to have planned to go to Paris. The Young Farmers of the Paris Basin, in alliance with the FNSEA, announced a “siege of the capital for an indefinite period” from Monday at 2 p.m. In detail, seven key access points to the capital, which have not been revealed, will be blocked by tractors. Will be mobilized on these dams: “farmers from the departments: Aisne, Aube, Eure, Eure-et-Loir, Ile-de-France, Marne, Nord, Oise, Pas-de-Calais, Seine-et-Marne, Seine-Maritime and Somme,” indicate the unions.

According to information from Parisian, the A1, A4, A5, A6, A12, A13 and A15 motorways would be affected, with blockage points located approximately 30 kilometers upstream of Paris. Later this week, a device blockage could be considered.

A “defensive device” to protect Rungis and the airports

This blockage in Paris is set to last, and farmers are already planning for the next generation. In the north of the country, “the departments will take turns” and “in turn”, tractors “will take the road to go to Paris”, explains to AFP Lucie Delbarre, FDSEA general secretary of Pas-de-Calais . The Lot-et-Garonne Rural Coordination plans for its part to “go to Paris” to “block” the Rungis market.

The blockage of nerve centers such as the Rungis market and the Roissy and Orly airports is one of the government’s great fears. The Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin, asked those responsible for law enforcement to put in place “an important defensive system in order to prevent any blockage” by farmers of the Rungis market, the Ile-de-France airports and “d ‘prohibit all entry into Paris’. The police must be deployed from Sunday evening to these hot spots.

And elsewhere in France?

Lucie Delbarre also announced the blocking of the A16 at Boulogne-sur-Mer on Monday morning. No announcement has yet filtered through on the dams which were maintained this weekend, but a decline cannot be ruled out to supply the troops in Paris. The A7 motorway is still cut between Chanas (Isère) and Orange towards Marseille and between Avignon and Chanas towards Lyon, according to the operator Vinci Autoroutes. Also in the South-East, other cuts affect the A48, A480, A49, A71, A75 and A79 motorways. And in the Meuse, the A4 is blocked between Manheulles and Haudiomont, according to the Young Farmers.

Despite the lifting of the A64 dam, the A63 dam near Bayonne is still in place. In Brittany, numerous blockades remain in place on expressways, notably in Caulnes (Ille-et-Vilaine), Carhaix (Finistère) and Lorient (Morbihan). On the other hand, the blockage of the A10 at Saintes has been lifted.

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