What sexuality with Alzheimer’s disease?

In our podcast Wait a minute!we find our weekly meeting Everything is explained, where we talk about sexuality, health and society. If you have any questions on these topics, we forward them to professionals for them to answer. How to do ? You leave a voice message on our answering machine, from the button below.

This episode discusses Alzheimer’s disease, a neurodegenerative disease, that is to say a progressive brain damage leading to neuronal death, according to the definition of the Ministry of Solidarity and Health. It is characterized by a progressive loss of memory and certain intellectual functions which has repercussions in the activities of daily living. There are 1.2 million sick people in France. And more than 225,000 new cases are diagnosed, of which 35,000 are under the age of 65, according to the association France Alzheimer.

How can Alzheimer’s disease or a related disease affect the intimate life and sexuality of a sick person and their couple? What are the unusual expressions, engendered by the disease, in sexual behavior? Despite the disease, what are the intimacy and sexuality needs of people with Alzheimer’s? How can caregivers help? Christel Koëff, clinical psychologist, neuropsychologist and trainer at the France Alzheimer association, which supports patients and caregivers, answers these questions.

The appointment Everything is explained is a weekly podcast from 20 minutes. You can listen to it for free on all apps and online listening platforms, like apple podcast, Spotify Where podcast addict for example. Do not hesitate to subscribe to grow our community, leave us comments and little stars on Apple podcast. To write to us, our email: [email protected]

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