What is the “Indian dream”, this dangerous fashionable challenge in the playgrounds?

A playground in a college – DAMIEN MEYER / AFP

This is the latest trendy challenge among teens. After the headscarf game, a dangerous new challenge popularized on TikTok has popped up in schoolyards in recent days. Called “the Indian dream”, this challenge consists of hyperventilating until you lose consciousness.

Participants who complete the challenge must squat, breathe while inflating their lungs, stand up sharply and blow into their thumbs holding the air in apnea as long as possible. The goal is to lose consciousness when the air is released.

Several incidents in schools

Videos of this challenge – which has gone viral – have multiplied in recent weeks on the TikTok platform, which is very popular with young people. We see many teens filming themselves in playgrounds taking up the challenge. There are also explanatory tutorials. “I advise you not to do it, but I will explain it to you anyway”, explains a young user of the platform in a video totaling more than 35,000 likes.

If for young people, it is only a game, the consequences of this challenge can be dramatic. Several incidents have occurred in recent days in schools. The firefighters and the Samu thus intervened on six occasions in establishments of the Alpes-Maritimes and the Var on Thursday, May 27, indicates
nice morning. Alerted, the rectorate of Nice decided to launch an awareness campaign among heads of establishments.

Discomfort and respiratory arrest

According to the doctors, who sounded the alarm, the dangers are very real: discomfort, respiratory and cardiac arrest that can cause paralysis, convulsions, long-term disability or even serious injuries related to the fall during the fall. loss of consciousness.

Earlier this year, a 10-year-old girl died of suffocation in Italy while taking part in the “blackout challenge” (headscarf game), while filming herself on TikTok. Italy then decided to block access to TikTok for children under 13.

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