the Israeli army announces having found and repatriated from Gaza the bodies of three hostages

Republicans are trying to force Joe Biden to resume arms deliveries to Israel

The US House of Representatives, dominated by Republicans, voted on Thursday May 16 for a largely symbolic measure aimed at forcing Democratic President Joe Biden to end his suspension of arms deliveries to Israel.

This suspension of the delivery of a shipment of weapons, consisting of bombs of 2,000 pounds (907 kg) and 500 pounds (226 kg), was decided at a time when Washington, Israel’s primary military supporter, opposes a major offensive by Israeli troops in Rafah.

The measure passed Thursday has no chance of becoming law. In theory, it would prevent Mr. Biden from freezing any military aid to Israel approved by Congress.

“The president and his administration must immediately reverse course and stand with Israel”said Mike Johnson, Republican leader of the House of Representatives, in a statement.

The vote comes as the Israeli government announces a “intensification” military ground operations in Rafah, a crowded town in the south of the Gaza Strip, despite international fears for the civilian population.

For Republicans, Joe Biden has no right to interfere in the way Israel conducts its military campaign, which has caused a humanitarian disaster in Gaza, threatened with large-scale famine, with 70% of the 2.4 million people displaced inhabitants, according to the United Nations (UN).

House Democratic leaders described the Republican initiative as “a political scheme” seeking to encroach on the president’s ability to conduct his foreign policy. But sixteen Democrats joined the Republicans to adopt the bill, defying the head of state. The measure should not pass the Senate, dominated by the Democrats. Mr. Biden has promised to veto it in any case.

The suspension of aid to Israel only concerns part of the military equipment provided by the United States. The American executive thus notified Congress on Tuesday that it was going to deliver weapons worth around a billion dollars.

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