What are the coolest clothes you’ve found in thrift stores?

The trend has been towards thrift stores in recent years. Shops specializing in second-hand clothes are springing up like mushrooms, and customers, especially young people, are flocking in, looking for a good old leather jacket from the 1970s, vintage jeans from the 1980s or a super-classy tracksuit from the 1990s.

Do you also browse thrift stores? Tell us what are the coolest clothes you found in these stores! Trousers with snaps Adidas that you never leave? A good old wool sweater that lasts all your winters? A pleated skirt that you wouldn’t have found anywhere else? A slightly old-fashioned bob, but one that makes a splash on the beach? Of the Nike Air collectors?

Tell us about your best thrift store finds, and how much they cost you. And also, which pieces have escaped your notice, because they were stolen before your eyes, or because they were too expensive, or not in your size. We are waiting for your testimonials in the form below, as part of an article. THANKS !

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