“We will not forget them”, the moving tribute to the killed agents

“They went ahead with their mission, despite the risks, because they had decided to serve Justice. We will return it on their behalf. » Even from a distance, even in full flight to New Caledonia, Emmanuel Macron wanted to participate in the national tribute to Arnaud G. and Fabrice M., the two prison officers killed in Incarville (Eure) in the attack on van which transported Mohamed Amra.

Just before the ceremony chaired by Gabriel Attal, the Head of State broadcast a message on the X network (formerly Twitter). “Today, the Nation bows with respect and honors their memory, accompanying their family and their comrades with its gratitude and its moved thoughts,” he assured shortly before the Marseillaise sounded in the courtyard of the former Caen remand prison (Calvados).

In front of the two coffins covered with a tricolor flag, two prison officers held the portraits of the victims, while the Prime Minister began his speech of tribute to “these sentinels of the dawn”. To those who, when they left on a mission at 6 a.m. this morning of May 14, had no idea that they would be carried away by “the murderous madness” of “thugs who became killers”. “We will not forget them, we will not abandon them,” promised Gabriel Attal.

“Don’t sleep peacefully, we will hunt you down”

In the presence of Brigitte Macron, Éric Dupond-Moretti and Élisabeth Borne, Gabriel Attal also sent a message of authority. “Their deaths will not go unpunished. The investigation is progressing and will continue as long as necessary,” he said. Then addressing the fleeing criminals: “Don’t sleep peacefully, we will hunt you down and we will punish you. The sword of justice shall not tremble.”

Arnaud G. and Fabrice M. were then posthumously made knights of the Legion of Honor. They leave, for the first, an unborn child and for the second, 21-year-old twins.

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