We tested two fitness rooms in clubbing mode

For you, 20 minutes had already tested the concept of sport in the dark allowing them to escape the gaze of others, m immerse their customers in a subdued atmosphere, with ambient LEDs like in a nightclub. In the classrooms, the music is already at full blast, modern rap and RNB playlist, not a DJ but a coach who motivates the participants at the microphone. The sessions last 45 minutes and combine cardio and muscle strengthening.

The codes and the atmosphere of nightclubs

One foot in the room and it’s as if you were invited to the party. Fitness centers like Dynamo Or Decibel immerse their customers in a subdued atmosphere, with ambient LEDs like in a nightclub. In the classrooms, the music is already at full blast, a modern rap and RNB playlist, not a DJ but a coach who motivates the participants at the microphone. The sessions last 45 minutes and combine cardio and muscle strengthening.

By creating this friendly atmosphere, these concepts want to offer their members a moment of escape that will allow them to escape a bad day or just the daily routine. “The first goal is to let go,” explains Edwy, coach at Decibel. And to make this possible, the studio makes the activity accessible to all levels. The goal? Find a feeling of satisfaction and well-being after each class. A successful bet, since Louise Bodin-Joyeux, Dynamo experience director, confides that 99% of members answered that a course at Dynamo had a “positive impact on their mental health”.

A new approach to sport

But beware, the atmosphere is not the only novelty, the vision of these concepts is also very different. They are not intended to target weight loss or any physical objective, the main purpose being to let off steam. “It’s fun sport, which isn’t about performance, it’s fun sport”, insists the Dynamo experience director. And for having tested it, the promise is kept because this immersion really allows you to take pleasure and breaks away from a traditional idea of ​​the difficult sport that causes suffering!

Thanks to this evasive and almost festive atmosphere, these new concepts take up the challenge of offering regular physical activity by reaching out to a novice target or who is not necessarily athletic. The clubbing-style lessons allow you to approach the sport differently. As a way to take care of yourself and have fun first and foremost only to lose weight and build muscle. For us, the objective has been fully achieved and the success of these fashionable concepts seems deserved.

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