We followed the ultrasound of a sea lion at the Paris zoo

A ventriglisse and a fish as a reward. No, it’s not the trophy awarded to a Breton rugby player after a drunken evening. But what follows an ultrasound for a sea lion at the Paris zoo. We see you raise a suspicious eyebrow like Carlo Ancelotti. Yes, the teams of 20 Minutes TV had the opportunity to follow an ultrasound of the marine mammal in the company of Alexi Lécu, scientific and veterinary director of the park.

“A treat to do this exam,” he admits. For what ? “The animals are completely cooperative. They come of their own accord,” he continues. It must be said that at the end of the ultrasound a reward is given to them. It is better, however, that the animal is not accustomed to this medical examination, because there it receives “a trout” as a reward against “small fish” for “those who are already experienced”.

And the question that arises at the end of this ultrasound: is the sea lion expecting a baby? We will only give you the answer in exchange for a fish. But you can get it for yourself by watching the 20 Minutes TV report at the top of the article.

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