Warning strike in the private bus industry has begun | NDR.de – News

Status: 09/19/2022 07:43 a.m

Many buses, especially in rural areas, remain in the depot in Schleswig-Holstein today and tomorrow. The trade union ver.di called for the strike.

According to a ver.di spokesman, the employers’ side had not submitted a new offer during negotiations last Wednesday. Therefore, many buses remain in the depots today and tomorrow. Since only private companies are affected, rural connections in particular fail.

Ver.di wants to increase pressure

According to the union, all 2,000 employees of private bus companies are called upon not to work full-time. Around 90 companies are affected across the country, most of which take over regular services in the countryside.

AUDIO: Again warning strikes in the private bus industry in SH (1 min)

The union demands 1.95 euros more money for the drivers. Employees in the workshops are to receive an additional 3.90 euros per hour. The employers’ side, the Omnibusverband Nord (OVN), had recently offered a wage and salary increase of 8.5 percent – and an inflation subsidy of 300 euros.

Employers do not understand strikes

The association reacted with incomprehension to the announcement of the warning strike. The situation is already complicated enough due to high inflation and life-threatening fuel and energy price developments. He misses the willingness to compromise on the part of the union, said OVN negotiator Klaus Schmidt. The employers did not submit a new offer because ver.di would have rejected it anyway.

It is already the second warning strike in this collective bargaining round. ver.di has also announced a rally in Kiel for Tuesday. Negotiations are scheduled to resume on October 10.

Further information

A bus from the company Autokraft is behind a sign with the inscription "warning strike".  © picture alliance / dpa Photo: Carsten Rehder

The two-day warning strike in the private bus industry will last until the end of operations on Saturday. more

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NDR 1 Wave North | News for Schleswig-Holstein | 09/19/2022 | 07:00 a.m

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