War in the Ukraine: retired Colonel Thiele declares the battle for Bachmut

Watch the video: Retired Colonel Ralph Thiele assesses the situation in Bachmut.

Retired Colonel Ralph Thiele says: “Bachmut is a horror place.” The city was covered by artillery attacks. The Russians would go forward regardless of the casualties and Ukraine would do everything in its power to ward them off. However, they would constantly come under artillery fire. Bachmut alone does not justify that. Rather, it is assumed that Russia is trying to wear down top Ukrainians there so that they are no longer available for Ukrainian offensives. The balance of power is “threateningly in favor of the Russian side.” They would have a lot more staff, especially young men. It had long been said that Russia was running out of ammunition. Nevertheless, a high number of shots is still fired. “I think that’s ‘make a wish’,” said the retired colonel. Although the Russian artillery fire decreased, this could also be due to the fact that the artillery was being prepared for an offensive. “The bottom line is that the situation is that Ukraine is running out of ammunition and the Russians have a lot of ammunition. That difference isn’t changing either.”

The GLSDB missiles that the Americans want to send “are high-tech (…), extremely precise and, at a range of 150 kilometers, also very extensive.” “They are basically shot up with rockets and then glide precisely to the target like a bomb, and they can also make movements. That always makes defending it very difficult.” Because they are also very expensive, he believes that not very many will be sent. Then the Ukrainians would have to be very careful about where they use them. With the help of Western reconnaissance aid, they could, for example, select headquarters, the Russian reinforcements that are coming up, and logistic centers.

Regarding the equipment of the Bundeswehr, Thiele says:
“We are in the middle of a Bundeswehr disarmament program.” An already large empty body is emptied further. “These 14 main battle tanks will hurt us too.” Exactly how the Ministry of Defense will replace this has not yet been determined. Ukraine needs not only main battle tanks, but also spare parts. It may happen that one soon wonders why the Leopard 2 does not work in Ukraine. One reason could then be that the front is 1000 kilometers away and the tanks have to be brought back occasionally for maintenance.
In order for the Bundeswehr to be better equipped, more money is needed. But “it’s still the principle of hope.” There are good planning intentions, but the armaments industry is now making preliminary investments. Manufacturers like Rheinmetall would hope that orders would reach them. But Germany is also writing in European terms. You don’t know where the orders are going. Other countries would have ordered much faster. In addition, he expects that the financial support of the Americans could end in the middle of the year due to the new majority in Congress. Therefore, America is doing everything to ensure that the Europeans take on more burdens. Germany’s claim to leadership and what we actually do would diverge more and more. “Basically, Germany is losing its credibility and is thus hindering European processes.”

Nele Balgo speaks with retired Colonel Ralph Thiele, Chairman of the Politico-Military Society.

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