War in the Middle East: Lanz, Precht and all the chatterers on Twitter – Opinion

It has always been a popular sport to appear in public with little knowledge and a lot of certainty. When it comes to Israel, however, the tendency to make oneself impossible is particularly pronounced. Not just for authors who would like to be philosophers.

The derisive saying that there are 80 million national coaches in Germany has come down to us from harmless times. That was a bit true and remains a bit funny as long as it involves football. In the meantime, however, the urge to discuss things is becoming noticeable on completely different topics. After Russia invaded Ukraine, many amateur virologists retrained to become Ukraine experts. But nothing seems to trigger many Germans as reliably as the issue of Israel. While Hamas terrorists were still murdering through the kibbutz, it was suddenly swarming with Middle East experts. Since then, the topic has dominated platforms such as X, formerly Twitter; Millions of people are commenting on this.

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