Wanting to be ironic about Joe Biden’s mental health… Trump gets his doctor’s name wrong

This is his favorite angle of attack, but you still have to avoid getting your brushes tangled. On Saturday, during a speech in Detroit (in the strategic “swing state” of Michigan), Donald Trump placed his traditional attack on the state of mental health of his opponent “sleeping Joe” Biden, aged 81. Against 78 years – anyway – for the Republican candidate.

Doc Jackson becomes Doc Johnson

Donald Trump took his argument to the point of challenging Joe Biden to take a cognitive test. In the video, broadcast by CNN, he boastfully continues about his own case: “Doc Ronny Johnson. Does everyone know Texas Congressman Ronny Johnson? He was the White House physician, and he said I was the sanest president in history, so I really like him,” he proclaims.

Except that the famous doctor who followed Donald Trump during part of his mandate is not called Ronny Johnson but Ronny Jackson. A confusion of the “sprinkler watered” style which was the delight of American social networks, particularly in the Democratic camp.

If there is no doubt that the weight of the years weighs on the shoulders of Joe Biden who has an increasingly stiff approach and a series of confusing remarks, Donald Trump no longer has the vigor that he used to have. attributes.

More information on Donald Trump

Over the past few months, he too has mixed up the names of several cities and leaders, warned that the world was heading toward a second, not third, World War, and launched into numerous rambling tirades.

Thursday, during a closed-door exchange with Republican elected officials, he described Milwaukee, a strategic city in many respects for the American elections, as “horrible”, sparking a barrage of criticism and questions.

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