Voted head of state: Bolsonaro calls for the end of the roadblocks

Status: 03.11.2022 07:40 a.m

After days of blockades, Brazil’s deposed head of state, Bolsonaro, is appealing to his supporters to open the streets. In large parts of the country, his supporters are calling on the military to intervene.

After days of blockades, Brazil’s ousted President Jair Bolsonaro has called on his supporters to lift the numerous roadblocks in large parts of the country. “The closure of highways across Brazil is affecting people’s freedom of movement,” Bolsonaro said in a video posted on Twitter. But this is guaranteed in the constitution:

“You have to respect the rights of other people who are on the move – not to mention the damage to our economy. I would like to appeal to you: clear the roads.”

Supporters do not want to accept Lula’s election victory

The highway police had previously registered 150 roadblocks in various regions of Brazil, as reported by the Brazilian news portal “G1”. According to their own statements, the police have already cleared 688 blockades.

Bolsonaro’s supporters do not want to accept the election victory of his challenger Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. In the first public statement after his election defeat, Bolsonaro expressed understanding for the protests on Tuesday. “The current demonstrations are the result of outrage and a sense of injustice at the way the electoral process was conducted,” said the far-right leader. He had previously cast doubt on the electoral system himself. However, he never presented any evidence of this.

Delivery problems due to blockages

The trunk roads are essential for supplying the country, because the majority of goods in Brazil are transported by truck. The rail network is not very developed.

The National Confederation of Industry (CNI) had warned of supply bottlenecks and fuel shortages if the blockades lasted longer. According to the Association of Supermarkets, there have already been delivery problems in some states, especially with fruit, vegetables and meat. “Other demonstrations in squares and public places are part of the democratic game,” Bolsonaro continued in his video. He did not comment on the content of the protests in different regions of Brazil.

Bolsonaro supporters give Hitler salute

Numerous Bolsonaro supporters demonstrated in front of various barracks against Lula’s victory. According to the Brazilian newspaper Folha de S. Paulo, they called for military intervention in at least 18 states and in important cities such as Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo and Brasília. “It’s unacceptable that Lula got so many votes after corruption scandals and imprisonment,” said a participant in Rio of the dpa news agency.

During protests in the south of the country, Bolsonaro supporters gave the Hitler salute. Hundreds of demonstrators raised their arms in front of a barracks in the village of São Miguel do Oeste in a fascist salute and sang the national anthem, as reported by the Globo television station. The prosecutor of the state of Santa Catarina, a stronghold of Bolsonaro, initiated investigations. Glorifying Nazi rule and using Nazi symbols is also a criminal offense in Brazil.

Bolsonaro, himself a reserve captain, has repeatedly expressed sympathy for the military dictatorship (1964-1985) in Brazil. During his tenure, he brought many serving and former officers into government and administration. His radical supporters repeatedly called for a military coup against the judiciary and parliament. However, the armed forces never responded.

Important Bolsonaro allies, including the powerful speaker of Parliament Arthur Lira, had previously acknowledged Bolsonaro’s defeat. Brazil’s right-wing head of state was narrowly defeated by his left-wing challenger Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva in the runoff election for the presidency on Sunday. Ex-President Lula received 50.9 percent of the vote, Bolsonaro got 49.1 percent.

Bolsonaro apparently does not want to stand in the way of change

Even if Bolsonaro does not expressly admit his defeat, he apparently does not want to stand in the way of the change of government. “President Jair Bolsonaro has authorized us on the basis of the law to initiate the process of changing the government,” said Cabinet Chief Ciro Nogueira. However, the transfer of power is regulated by law anyway, and approval by the outgoing government is not required.

Vice President Mourao said he was “almost certain” that Bolsonaro would attend Lula’s inauguration and hand over the presidential sash to his successor. The judiciary of the largest country in Latin America took this as an admission of defeat.

“The judges reiterate the official statement that stressed the importance of the President of the Republic’s recognition of the final election result with determination to start the transition process,” the Supreme Court said in a statement after meeting Bolsonaro. “He said it was over, so let’s look ahead,” judge Luiz Edson Fachin told Globo.

According to media reports, head of cabinet Nogueira has already spoken to Lula’s head of communications Edinho Silva. In addition, Lula’s future Vice President Geraldo Alckmin phoned Bolsonaro’s deputy Mourao.

Lula is scheduled to take office on January 1, 2023.

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