Vote for your cult moment

binge watching (Illustration) – Jan Vašek / Pixabay

  • On the occasion of the 20th anniversary of reality TV, “20 Minutes” offers a series of articles on this phenomenon which has shaken the small screen.
  • Between the Loft swimming pool scene or Nabilla’s “Non mais allo quoi”, what was your cult moment in French reality TV? It’s your time to vote.

You will not be asked to “type 1” or “type 2” like Nikos Aliagas, but it is you who will make the difference. Today, you have the opportunity to elect the cult moment of reality TV among the sequences selected below (non-exhaustive list: things have happened in 20 years of TV!). If you have any doubts about our integrity, know that Master Moya will ensure the proper conduct of this vote! Now it’s your turn.

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20 seconds of context

There are many forms of reality TV today. We have chosen here not to include adventure shows (type Koh Lanta), some programs dating (as’Love is in the meadow), contests (cooking shows, shopping shows, etc.) or telecrochets (except the star Academy because we continuously followed the life of the candidates for the castle).

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