Video: Lindner wants to extend the deadline for property tax returns

STORY: NOTE: This post will be broadcast without narration. O-Ton Christian Lindner (FDP), Federal Minister of Finance: “The deadline for submitting the property tax return is now ending shortly. I have always said that the Federal Ministry of Finance will take a very close look at the progress. In the meantime there have also been problems with the software “IT was heavily used. However, as a result, we are now finding, at the beginning of October, that there is a very low rate. We are assuming less than 30 percent. People are currently worried. The tax authorities and also the tax consulting professions have a lot to do. So you think of the tax consultants, it’s about the Corona final accounts, many commercial clients need advice because of the increased energy prices. In these times we all have other and important things to do, other and bigger concerns. And that’s why I will submit the proposal to the federal states to provide for a moderate extension of the submission deadline for property tax in. It is also a lead time anyway, which should allow the tax authorities to implement it. Therefore, the pressure on taxpayers should not be too great now. As I said, people have other concerns at the moment. The applications are digital in a comparatively simplified way. This is now within reach for many. But where there is still a problem, I hear that from pensioners who often write to me, maybe a little time is helpful.”


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