VIDEO – In Russia, Vladimir Putin’s show of force during the May 9 military parade

Russian President Vladimir Putin oversaw the May 9 military parade on Moscow’s Red Square, a centerpiece of the Kremlin’s narrative extolling the country’s power.
A TF1 team went to the site.

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More than two years of war in Ukraine

Swept by the wind and snow, this Thursday, May 9 in the morning, Red Square was scrutinized for its annual parade which celebrates the victory of the Soviets over Nazi Germany. A ceremony supervised by Vladimir Putin. For the second time in four days, the Russian president warned the West.

“Russia will do everything to prevent a global conflict, but we will not allow anyone to threaten us. Our forces (nuclear, editor’s note) strategic are always on alert”, he declared during his speech. Then he reaffirmed that Russia was experiencing a “hard time”. “The destiny of the homeland and its future depend on each of us”he said, greeting the “hero” who fight for Moscow on the front.

More than 9,000 soldiers during the parade

To support his words, Russia’s strategic forces were highlighted on Red Square. More than 9,000 military personnel, according to Russian media, armored vehicles, missile launchers and combat aircraft took part, but “no modern tanks, all heavy equipment of the Russian army is devoted to the war in Ukraine”specifies our special correspondent Jérôme Garro in the report above.

Only one type of tank was present, a traditional and antique Soviet tank manufactured in the 1940s. For two years, Vladimir Putin has drawn a parallel between the Second World War and the war in Ukraine, constantly presenting Russia as the country attacked by ‘West. The United States, the United Kingdom and France are the nations most targeted by Russian discourse.

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“It’s painful to see that France is no longer our friend…” deplores a Russian present in the public, interviewed by TF1. “Everything will work out. Those who fight at the front will soon parade here on Red Square”, reacts another spectator. Only eight foreign heads of state were present in the stands, most representing nations from the former Soviet bloc.

MT | TF1 report: Jérôme Garro, Vincent Pierron and Elena Dabbakh

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